Between Two Servers #3: A Discussion With Julia, One of Our Co-ops

BTS Episode #3

Co-ops are essential to our commitment to the wider community by allowing us to share our cumulative knowledge and expertise that we have amassed over the years as well as providing us with the opportunity to learn from the skills they bring to Konverge.

We’ll be speaking with one of our co-ops, Julia Gorbatsevich. We’ll be talking about how her experience as a Quality Assurance Tester will help her in the future, what it’s like being a co-op at Konverge, as well as what advice she’d give to other co-ops.

Light Transcript of the Interview

K: So you’re one of the last co-ops I saw before we all started working from home. Why don’t you tell us what it’s like being a co-op at Konverge?

J: You know, it’s amazing to be a co-op at Konverge. Really, amazing, because from my first day, when I came for my interview, it felt like I knew these people for a long time. After I started, every day felt comfortable because the people at Konverge are very helpful and very friendly. I want to tell everyone [at Konverge] thank you for providing such a welcoming atmosphere. People at Konverge are very different. There’s a very positive feel and a really good energy with this company, and you feel very comfortable in the office. Even though we are not physically in the office, I still have that same feeling.

K: So the experience that you’ve gained in your past, how has that helped you in these projects?

J: Yeah, you know, teamwork and being a part of the team, knowing how to deal with people, paying attention to details… it’s all very important. It helps to properly understand the deadline and finish everything on time or even ahead of time.

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