Between Two Servers #8: 2020 in Review with Sonia Couto, Managing Director of Konverge

BTS Episode #8
In our first episode of 2021 (and taken from our first LinkedIn Live) Sonia Couto discussed how this year has been for her from the perspective of a leader, how Konverge has adapted to the numerous changes, and much, much more!

Right now, the situation is so unpredictable we really don’t know what’s going on so some of the things that I really had to consider in this plan are how COVID-19 is going to affect our business in 2021, what can we do during this time to maintain the business we have, but also, how can we continue growing and can we grow at this time?

We know that we can achieve a lot of these things but at this time everything is so unpredictable we really don’t know so these three questions obviously have caused me, on a leadership level, a lot of anxiety, because I don’t have the answers.

Reflecting back on a couple of years, we have been in business for 27 years now, we just had our 27th anniversary in December and, as I look back, I think about the fact that we had a flood a couple of years ago in our office that completely destroyed our office and I remember walking in and there was water up to my knees and the office was destroyed but we were able to take that situation as a tech company and within a day have everyone set up working from home. Everyone sort of had to do that for about three months until we could get insurance companies in and rebuild the entire office so we learned a lot during that time and I think that really helped us prepare for COVID.

It does take a little bit of time to get everyone set up and working from home but I think we were able to do it in a timely fashion and we were really able to take that experience, move on, learn from it and make it even better this time around. One thing we did differently was connected more with our clients during COVID. Usually, when we’re at the office, we have like a million things going on and there’s never time to get everything done and one of the things we’ve always wanted to do was, you know, a lot more around social media – specifically, these live [broadcasts] and connecting with our clients and during COVID this is something that we have had no choice but to do.

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