Between Two Servers #13: BAaaS – Sonia & Roxroy

BTs Episode #13

In the latest episode of Between Two Servers, Sonia spoke with Roxroy Clayton – Konverge’s Development Manager – about the importance of Business Analysis as a Service and how it can leverage a custom software project for success.

Light Transcript of the Podcast

S: Why don’t you walk us through what is Business Analysis?

R: A good way to summarize Business Analysis is to think of a solution where we are trying to provide a service to a company to enable change. We want to define what their needs are, what the requirements are – to provide a solution. Because at the end of the day what we want to do is to deliver value for the stakeholders.

We want to guide businesses in terms of improving their processes, improving their services or even improve their current system so that they can get a better value from their clients.

S: So what does a Business Analyst actually do?

R: A Business Analyst is going to be sitting with the clients or stakeholders to figure out what is it they want to build? How can we guide them in order for them to get to that endpoint? The client may have an idea of where they want to go but they haven’t thought through all their steps. They may think there are just two steps when there might end up being 10 steps. And there might be different challenges that need to be taken into consideration in order for them to get something that is viable.

Business Analysts basically help to bridge the gap and create efficiencies in order for us to be able to develop a solution for the client.

S: They sit down with the client and they pick their brain and dig deeper into the idea that the client has. They can also analyze what is doable, what are some of the challenges that are going to happen, ways to try and work around them, before you even get into any source code development.

R: Correct, because a lot of times you may need to look at the risk. There are solutions where you may think that something is straightforward and it turns out to be a lot more complex and there are a lot more moving parts. We want to be able to dig into dive into that aspect and identify these challenges.

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